Simbly SuperPower

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‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’

I have two problems. Oh who am I kidding really? I have multitude of problems of which two have known to sort my general outlook on life.

One is my ability to bounce back. This is not just a sly reference to a wobbly belly that refuses to part company no thanks to my two children.

As my son says, since I am stronger than BatMan and SuperMan put together, I also have the tremendous ability to bounce back to normalcy if I am faced with any adverse situations. Here I cannot do much but agree with premise. Children do love their maters at times.

The second problem is that I cannot remain unhappy for more than 24 hours. The moment I see Sunrise or Son-rise, I’m known to forget previous problems and prepare the battle ground for fresh trouble. There is always something brewing somewhere.

Add to this, the secondary problem of short term memory loss, where I can so easily and quickly forget the previous insults, strifes. I quickly become a clean slate rather an empty slate. You get the general drift right?

I guess age does mellow you and one realizes at the end, it really doesn’t matter.

So my Secret Superpower is the ability to move on happily, shrugging off the unwanted extra emotional baggage.

Do try. I tell you, heaven isn’t far!

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