Marriage, Man and Mandir

A marriage of the year, Man on a sea-plane, Mandir beckons the Prince-Elect!

After what seemed aeons ( Would you believe it was just 49 days! The all-around, no-holds-barred vitriol was the actual culprit ), the curtains came down finally on the poll campaign, in the birthplace of the Mahatma. As the protagonists in this curtain raiser to the final act in 2019, sat at home, bone tired, nursing their fave poisons, mulling over their chances, they wondered if they had played their cards right. Also the moot point was did they do enough to secure their place at the poll hustings?

Some snippets –
Male-Alpha: I am the man with a plan, closed it big with my heroics on a sea-plane. They have to remember my smiling and waving visage, in crisp Khaddar, as I hung on oh so casually to the hanger. That will do Gujarat! That will do. You have been thy model to flaunt around. Always! Now bring me home.
Mom’s Prince in waiting: I’m almost the king! Only a tiny matter of a pending coronation. With Zabardast results that I predict, I will soon be singing a new RaGa. I have hit all the Mandirs with a vengeance. Our Minority-Appeasers tag will be shed ASAP and we will find favour with the Majority. Religion is the opium of the masses, you see!
Man in a video: This is a conspiracy. Please don’t sex it up and make me the fall-guy.
Man in the Muffler: We are watching! Like a Hawk!
Man on the road: They said development is around the corner and that fancy corner has just been a Mirage. I have had enough with my trysts with destiny. Now I get my voice to tell the world what I actually feel. I will certainly make sure. A Make-in-India, gone sour? Or did Demonetization and GST actually make a difference? Time will tell.

While all this churning happened in the protagonists’ minds, the rest of India, went cuckoo over the Wedding of the Year. Tired as we were of Murder, Maan-Haani, Mayhem, Morals, and Meandering Politics, the much-splashed pictures of this Marriage became our esoteric escape.
What is not to love here? Two highly talented Middle-class youngsters, who hit the top spot in their respective fields through sheer hard-work, who then decided to formalise their love, on an equal footing. Excellent role models for the next-gen. Enough to the warm the cockles of even the hardened!

A nicer note to end a mid-week! Amen!!

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